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BBQ Pictures and Thoughts

Today's cool weather didn't stop too many from making the trip out to Liberty Road in Metchosin to enjoy Klaus's hospitality, Conrad's burgers and a tasty ice cream for dessert. Thanks to everyone for the great atmosphere!

In my wandering amongst the crowd without a network connection for my ubiquitous iPad, I came across a couple questions in our discussions. If we're still curious...

  • The German word for the driveshaft traditionally found in BMW motorcycles is Kardanwelle, named for the Italian renaissance mathematician Gerolamo Cardano.
  • The custom-made leather seats found on a few BMWRVI members' bikes are the creation of Rich's Custom Seats.

The next scheduled BMWRVI get-together is the September 9 Monthly Gathering at the Pioneer House in Duncan. Maybe we'll see you there!

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