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Saltair Pub Ride May 19

Hello Riders,

Saddle up and let’s ride to the Saltair Pub on Sunday, May 19.

Victoria riders meet at the Tim Hortons on Millstream at 9:30 for a 10:00 departure. That will get us to the Saltair Pub at 11:30, just before the 11:45 opening.

With the growing number of Club members up island in Duncan, Nanaimo and beyond, if someone in those areas would like to coordinate a route and ride, please contact Bob Leiitch and he will send an announcement to members in those areas. If you ride independently, remember that the Saltair Pub does not open until 11:45.

For all, please let me know if you are planning to attend. Drop Bob Leitch an email by 6 PM Friday, May 17 if you will be there so we can let the Pub know numbers. Our numbers at events are growing so we need to advise the Pub if we have more attendees than we have forecast.



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    Football is genuinely 1 of the biggest sports in America. It has a significant following.
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    BMW Riders Vancouver Island - Home - Saltair Pub Ride May 19
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    Response: energy investments
    BMW Riders Vancouver Island - Home - Saltair Pub Ride May 19
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    Response: energy investments
    BMW Riders Vancouver Island - Home - Saltair Pub Ride May 19

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