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Motorcycle Safety Training: StreetSmart Rider Perception

StreetSmart – Rider Perception

Motorcycle riding requires a lot more than coordination and balance. It requires a keen perceptive ability that helps a rider see and evaluate all the important clues to respond effectively in traffic. Poor perception puts a rider at a disadvantage. Our Safety session on “Rider Perception” will be held on Sunday afternoon, 24 February, 2013 starting at 1:00 PM. The training will take place at the Greenglade Community Centre at 2151 Lannon Way Sidney, BC.

Check this link for directions http://www.crd.bc.ca/panorama/greenglade.htm.

The goal of the session is to acquaint participants will the important aspects of visual perception, and how the brain and eyes work together to manage risk. The program is an interactive and fun session, not a boring lecture. The session is planned for an hour and a half. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.

In order to prepare enough handouts and determine, please register by return email or by calling Bob Leitch before 19 Feb 2013. Note that there will be a $5.00 charge to cover the cost of the supplies, refreshments, and room rental.



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