
Rider Training Workshops

By Bob Leitch

As part of this year’s ride calendar we will be holding three rider training workshops. The enclosed article describes the five workshops. We are planning three:

Saturday, 19 February, 2011 Street Smart Rider Perception

Saturday, 19 March,2011 Seasoned Rider

Sunday, 03 April, 2011 Group Riding

I am planning to conduct the workshops and prepare the necessary material, but am looking for volunteers to find a location and help with the set-up etc. If there is a member who would like to conduct a session, I will gladly accept and pass the material along. Each session is planned for about an hour, so we will need access for 2-3 hours
In terms of the location, I see three potential types:

a. A party/social room in an apartment or condominium facility;

b. A company conference or class room; and

c. A large family room. The ideal location will come at no cost to the Club and should hold 20 – 25 people.

The area needs to have a large screen TV or an area we can set up a screen and digital projector. It should be a relatively quiet area where the workshop will not be disturbed by people in other nearby areas (e.g. pools, games rooms, etc.). The club will provide snacks and drinks.
Please let me know if

  • You have access to a suitable facility we can use;
  • Can get a digital projector and screen we can use; or
  • Are interested in conducting a session.
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