Coffee and Conversation – Riding Skills 
Monday, March 9, 2015 at 14:06
Bob Leitch

An open-ended gathering patterned on David Hough’s sessions, let’s talk riding and share experiences.  Bring up what's on your mind, your thoughts about motorcycling, and get in on the conversations.  Share tips or ask about best practices.  We can talk braking, cornering, traffic situations, group riding, effects of aging, or riding strategies.  

Date:  15 March 2015 from 1:15 to 2:45 pm 

Location:  Central Saanich Cultural Centre - 1209 Clarke Rd, Brentwood Bay 

Cost:  $5 to cover room rental and refreshments 

RSVP:  to Bob Leitch by 13 March 2015

Article originally appeared on BMW Riders Vancouver Island (
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