Our Club proudly hosts a number of group-riding events each year. On a good day, members arrive on time, prepared, and the ride progresses smoothly; a good time is had by all. On a bad day these events can challenge the patience, and much more importantly, the safety of all involved. Differing riding styles, a wide variety of riding-skills and different levels of cooperation among participants can tax the abilities and patience of the ride captain, and increase the risks of riding in a group.
BMWRVI presents a one-hour, classroom-only program that provides information on proper group riding procedures and techniques. Stressed are riding formations, traffic strategies, and group communication. A modern audio-visual is used to highlight key points. Take-away materials are provided.
This workshop will be held on Tuesday 20 March 2012 at 7:00 at a location TBD. There will again be a $5 fee to offset the cost of materials, refreshments, and rentals. Please let Bob Leitch know if you will be attending by 15 Mar 2012.