Annual General Meeting Reminder
Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 20:40
BMWRVI Webmaster

Dear Members,

A reminder that we are holding our AGM on Saturday 20 Oct 2012, starting at 4:30 pm. The location is the same as last year:

SVI Rangers 3498 Luxton Rd, off Happy Valley Rd in Langford.

Same hall as last year, as you enter the premises turn left at the main building, drive over the bridge and continue to the second building.

As we are planning pizza & pop after the meeting, we need to know how much to order and are looking for an RSVP. Please let me know by noon on Wednesday 17 November - Contact Klaus Kreye (thanks to those that have already replied). It will be free for members and we will be seeking a $5 contribution per non member.

As our club continues to grow, we appreciate that there are more members north of the Malahat that might not be able to make the AGM. If you can't make it, we would nevertheless welcome your input. We'd like to hear from you: tell us what you like, which rides work well, which rides/events should be dropped and of course any suggestions for new events.

Volunteers to organise events or just being an organising contact for an event are always appreciated. It's actually quite easy and not that much work.

Any agenda items are welcome.



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